Tuesday, July 7, 2009

the lost heaven

i was shopping for tools and material yesterday from shwaikh, i like to go early around 4 to avoide the traffic.
the best thing about shwaikh is the way it organized it self, every street have a specific shops, so u park ur car o take the shops ` by 1 walking

another great thing is the small shops that bring items directly from manufactures so u fine variety and different items in every shop

Alnisif is the biggest hardware store, it has almost every thing o they have great section for gardening, i spent ams 1 hour in it, over priced a little

the lighting and electrical street located behind "shari3 el zina" has lot of lighting solution, o cheaper than hawlly show rooms.
o u can find good technicians there

next post will be about ABYAT inshallaa


Deema said...

although Al-Nisif is really great, I prefer al-saffar store in the other corner in shuwaikh (mo laffat shari3 ilbunook, illy 3ugubha)

it is just so inspiring!

>check this out:


بومريوم said...

الصفار ممتاز بس بضاعتة أغلبها صينية..يميز الصفار الناس اللى يتغلون هناك متعاونين أكثر و عارفين غلهم
النصف بضاعتة جودتها أفضل بس بعضها اغلى..
انا بالغالب اتعامل مع المخزن العام أو المحلات الصغيرة اللى بشارع العدد..المكاسر معاهم و ناسه:)
ايس كان ممتاز بس بالفترة الاخيرة بدت تغى البضاعة الصينية علية

و البوست عجيب